Wax for cuttings

Antiperspirant wax protects cuttings of roses, grapes, currants and other crops from moisture loss during grafting, planting, transplanting and cutting.

Basic properties:

  • Wax for grafting and sprouting of plants.
  • Protect the cuttings from drying out.
  • Improves the quality of planting material.
  • Increases % plant survival rate.

Packaging: 250 g, 1 kg or 13 kg

Color: red, yellow, green, blue

Rodina Investment has developed multicomponent wax-based compositions. The coating formed by dipping plants into the melt of these wax compositions provides:

- good adhesion to the surface of cuttings and seedlings;

- reliable protection of plants from moisture loss;

- rapid formation of calluses;

- bud development and growth of planting material

The coating is thin and elastic. It does not drain, crack or crumble before the necessary time and serves as a reliable protection so that the plant does not dry out. Part of the material composition that makes up the inner layer is contained in a thin transition layer, as well as in the outer layer. As a result, this design ensures the integrity of the moisture-proof coating of the cuttings when bending them.

Furthermore, the wax is non-phytotoxic and environmentally friendly. Under the influence of the external environment and stresses arising during plant growth, the coating, after the required period of use, is destroyed, enters the soil and undergoes gradual decomposition under the influence of enzymes of soil microorganisms and other factors.

Waxes have been developed (TU 2243-004-77793442-2007) with different properties, with different softening and melting temperatures.

Rodina Investment has developed multicomponent wax-based compositions. The coating formed by dipping plants into the melt of these wax compositions provides:

- good adhesion to the surface of cuttings and seedlings;

- reliable protection of plants from moisture loss;

- rapid formation of calluses;

- bud development and growth of planting material

The coating is thin and elastic. It does not drain, crack or crumble before the necessary time and serves as a reliable protection so that the plant does not dry out. Part of the material composition that makes up the inner layer is contained in a thin transition layer, as well as in the outer layer. As a result, this design ensures the integrity of the moisture-proof coating of the cuttings when bending them.

Furthermore, the wax is non-phytotoxic and environmentally friendly. Under the influence of the external environment and stresses arising during plant growth, the coating, after the required period of use, is destroyed, enters the soil and undergoes gradual decomposition under the influence of enzymes of soil microorganisms and other factors.

Waxes have been developed (TU 2243-004-77793442-2007) with different properties, with different softening and melting temperatures.

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